21st Annual Legacy Luncheon

The Junior League of Sarasota presents the 21st Annual Legacy Luncheon at Michael’s On East


Join us for food, friendship and inspiration at the 21st Annual Legacy Luncheon


This Junior League tradition routinely sells out, so make your ticket reservations now!



Legacy Luncheon begins with friends and community leaders toasting glasses of champagne in the garden atrium at Michael’s On East. You and your guests will have time to check out the themed raffle baskets before going inside the ballroom for a lovely luncheon. Continuing a 20-year tradition, Belinda Coffrin – JLS member and owner of Coffrin Jewelers – will design and donate a custom piece of jewelry to be raffled at the event.

Following the luncheon, guests will be inspired by Elizabeth Smart’s story of terror, courage, and hope. The 2002 abduction of Elizabeth Smart at age 14 was one of the most publicized child abduction cases of our time. Abducted at knifepoint from her Salt Lake City bedroom in the middle of the night while her family was asleep, Smart was held captive by a husband and wife in an encampment on the outskirts of the city. She endured daily sexual assault, starvation and abuse for nine months before police safely located her 18 miles from her home.

After her rescue Smart testified in court in front of her captors, which led to their conviction. Since then, she has been working as an advocate for missing persons and victims of sexual assault, creating the Elizabeth Smart Foundation in 2011. Her work has led to the passage of the national AMBER Alert program and the Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety Act. Smart epitomizes the strength of the human spirit, sharing her enlightening message of resilience and hope with audiences everywhere.

Since 2003, Legacy Luncheon has served as the signature fundraiser for the Junior League of Sarasota Endowment Fund. Established in 1986 to provide a long-term financial foundation for the League, the Fund has now grown to over $1.5 million in assets. Thousands of dollars are awarded each year to local nonprofits, helping to address critical human needs in Sarasota County.

We need your help to continue our legacy of giving back to our community. The success of Legacy Luncheon is not possible without you. Join us for this fun event and show your generosity on February 27, 2024.

If you are unable to attend, please consider making a gift to the JLS Endowment Fund by clicking on the following link:


Reservation Opportunities:

Please note: For recognition of all Patron levels in the printed program, purchase your reservation by Feb.1, 2024

  • Legacy Patron $2,500 – Table of 10 priority seating, 20 raffle tickets, VIP reception prior to the luncheon with Elizabeth Smart and your table guests, and recognition in the invitation and program
  • Table Patron $1,750 – Table of 10 preferred seating, 10 raffle tickets, and recognition in the invitation and program
  • Benefactor Patron $550 – Two luncheon reservations, two raffle tickets, and recognition in the invitation and program
  • Patron $250 – One luncheon reservation, one raffle ticket, and recognition in the program
  • Friend $175 – One luncheon reservation
  • Donation – Choose an amount to donate to the JLS Endowment Fund